At the dark and bloody heart of this period film by director Franck Ribière is real-life iconic actor Paula Maxa (played by Anna Mouglalis), the most famous of the Grand Guignol’s leading ladies and the titular woman, who was graphically slain on stage multiple times a day. A young journalist suspects the theater is linked to a series of gruesome murders. After falling for Paula and learning of her painful past, he aims to save her from a mysterious killer.
Director: Franck Ribière
Production: Fontana
Sinner Films
Distribution: Hiventy
Length: 102 minutes
Sound Studio: Sound Art 23
Italian Adaptation: Elisabetta Bucciarelli
Translation: Chetro De Carolis
Dubbing Director: Elisabetta Bucciarelli
Sound Engineer: Pietro Patriarca
Paula Maxa: Alessandra Cassioli (Anna Mouglalis)
André de Lorde: Luigi Ferraro (Michel Fau)
Jean Charpentier: Davide Perino (Niels Schneider)
Julie: Tiziana Avarista (Julie Recoing)
Eugène de Lancry: Luca Biagini (André Wilms)
Georges Paulais: Enrico Di Troia (Eric Godon)
Paul Ratineau: Emidio Lavella (Jean-Michel Balthazar)
Pierre Dupuis: Leslie La Penna (Christian Crahay)
Rose: Daniela Abbruzzese (Sissi Duparc)
Roger: David Vivanti (Bruno Blairet)
Sylviane: Barbara Villa (Vérane Frédiani)
Alfred Binet: Pietro Biondi (Jean-Louis Froment)
Violette: Stella Gasparri (Cosntance Dollé)
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